In these days of busy schedules, news overwhelm and personal fatigue, many of us long for a place of quiet calm and belonging, of prayerful searching. We invite and welcome you to join us for these evening contemplative gatherings that draw from ancient and contemporary wisdom sources. Led by spiritual director Kimberly Broerman, this circle offer a time for quiet stillness, reflection with Scripture and other sacred texts, intimate prayer and conversation, and silent meditation.
Join our lovely intimate community of seekers who show up to one another and to God every other Tuesday to join in prayer, reflection, and meditation. We sit and listen together. We read and reflect on texts from scripture, poetry, and other sacred writings. We share our real struggles and concerns, as well as our joy and gratitude. We hold silence and space for one another. We laugh. We pray. We seek to know and be known, to love and be loved. We keep on searching, stretching, stumbling toward Mystery and Grace.
It's not like any faith community I've ever attended, but it's the community I've always hungered for.
Our 2025 theme is Give Me Jesus: Shaped By the Word Made Flesh. Depending on our religious/spiritual background, we may have mixed thoughts and feelings about both the Bible and Jesus. We may be more clear about what we DON'T believe, than what we do. All of that is normal and welcome.
But as we moved through 2024, I found myself returning to stories about Jesus and his teachings, to ground and guide me. Post-election, I was acutely aware that Jesus also lived in a time of political chaos and oppression, and he invited his followers to live a different life HERE and NOW, not waiting for either the political or religious authorities of his time to bring about God's dream for the world.
So what does that look like for us? How do we live that alternative Way in our own HERE and NOW?
I still really believe, despite all the ways his name and identity, life, death and teachings, have been hijacked, misused, and abused, there is something about Jesus that is absolutely compelling, that is the answer to our deepest questions and longings, the embodiment of grace, truth and peace we and the world so desperately need, especially now.
So we will spend the year following Jesus through the gospel of Luke. We will not be able to read every single word in our times together, but will hit the defining stories and teachings according to Luke. I encourage you to read the whole gospel as we go. We will be asking ourselves what it means to follow in his Way, become more like him, let Christ be incarnate in our own lives and times.
Perhaps you've always wondered about the worship circle but been too busy or distant to make it. Perhaps you're feeling a growing need or desire for spiritual community and wisdom. Perhaps you've been away for a season, but feel drawn back. Whether you're a regular, nomad, or newbie, we'd love for you to join us. All are welcome!
About the Community: We are a growing community of Christian seekers, from a variety of spiritual backgrounds and life experiences, drawn to engage and support one another in authentic relationships, contemplative spiritual practice, and compassionate action in the world.
When: First and Third Tuesdays - Via Zoom (Email Kimberly to receive Zoom link
Suggestion Donation: $20 (FREE for FLOW subscribers and NDUMC members)