Lenten Whole40

Journey from Too Much to Enough

Thursday Mornings, 11:30 am-1 pm

March 6-April 24, 2025 (8 sessions)

Via Zoom

I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest. —Jesus

God is not found in the soul by adding anything, but by a process of subtraction. —Meister Eckhart 

We know our lives are gift, that between dust and dust, we are given the breath of life, and invited to live to the fullest.  But so often, we feel that life is more grind than gift.  We may WANT to live with more gratitude, joy and ease, but often feel depleted and distracted, fragmented and frustrated by the overwhelming demands on our time, attention, energy and resources.  We hear Jesus holding out an alternative for us, but the way seems narrow indeed, if not impossible to find and follow.

Lenten Whole40 grew out of a hunger to observe the forty days of Lent in a new, creative, and transformative way. This community “experiment” offers an authentic, personal and practical look at our real, contemporary lives and how we might live them with more intention, presence, and contentment.  Rather than “give up” one individually chosen thing for forty days, Whole40 invites participants into one shared fast per week, a fast designed to break our unconscious habits of distraction and compulsion. These fasts clear the way for weekly feasts, spiritual practices designed to be more connecting, nourishing, and life-enriching, both for us, and the world around us. Through self-observation, guided meditation, personal prayer and discernment, and community conversation, we examine our habitual patterns of thought and behavior one layer at a time, and experiment with living a more soulful and satisfying life.

This year’s Whole40 Experiment will nourish you with:

  • Experimentation Kit + Guide

  • Weekly email from Kimberly

  • Eight online small group sessions

  • Daily Reflection Cards

  • Spotify Playlist

  • Daily Meditations from Kimberly, sent via email

    NEW! Lenten Whole40 Self-Guided Journey - Want to follow along, but can't make the Thursday morning small group? You can purchase the Lenten Whole40 Kit, which will include the Guide, Daily Reflection Cards, and other Whole40 swag, and receive Kimberly’s daily meditations via email.

Investment:  $225 ($190 for FLOW Subscribers): $50 for Self-Guided

Space is limited; sign up by Wednesday, February 19, by emailing Kimberly and submitting payment through the Pay Here/Invest in Your Growth page.

Email Kimberly with questions.