In and Out of Flow

I hope you have enjoyed some rest and fun, tasted the goodness of Summer favorites like corn on the cob and peach cobbler, and reconnected with family and friends in meaningful ways. Our family has loved coming and going more places, seeing extended friends and family, and enjoying some of our favorite Summer family traditions, especially after missing so much last year.

I’ve loved having a more open and flexible schedule. AND I can feel myself longing for more regular rhythms again. I’m aware that when I don’t have my consistent practices of prayer and reflection, nor my reliable times of connection with friends, small groups, and spiritual community, I start slipping. I feel more scattered and fretful, less grounded and hopeful, and just generally less like myself.

Once again, I remember that keeping a rhythm keeps me.

I know I’m not alone in this. When I sit and listen with others, I consistently hear these two longings . . . for a more regular rhythm of prayer and reflection, and for spiritual community, a place to bring our full selves, to wonder, seek and share life together.

So while I've enjoyed some time off and away, I've also relished thinking about new ways to be in and together. And I’m delighted to share with you a new experience of spiritual practice and community I'll be offering this Fall.

I’m calling it Flow: Spiritual Rhythms for Soulful Living.

It’s a menu of spiritual practices and community gatherings designed to keep you in the flow--present, mindful and connected with yourself, with others and with Love, tending that sacred longing in you and in the world. It will include:

  • Guidance for daily prayer and reading

  • Weekly soul tuning

  • Contemplative prayer circles, both live and virtual

  • Monthly meals

  • Quarterly retreat afternoons

I’m offering Flow out of my own spiritual hunger and experience, from years of trying on different prayer practices, following and adapting different rhythms and guiding various spiritual communities.

I’ve designed this rhythm to offer structure and fluidity. You can show up for all of it, or just a few things. You can attend live gatherings or participate online. You can take, tweak or ignore my suggestions for daily and weekly prayer and reflection. The invitation is to find a flow that works for you.

My sincere hope and prayer is that Flow will offer you regular nourishment for your hungry soul, that you might feast on the beauty and wisdom available in spiritual writings, prayer practices and community gatherings designed and curated with great love and holy hope.

Friend, I want our lives to flow with love and grace, with meaning and purpose. So I hope you’ll join me and other beloved souls, as we seek to keep a rhythm that keeps us.

I look forward to sharing more details in the weeks ahead.

