Lenten Whole40

I want to invite you to participate in a Lenten Experiment.

I'm calling it Lenten Whole40, and much like the popular Whole30 program, the hope is to find a spiritual diet that is more nourishing for our whole beings - body, mind, heart and soul.

I don't know about you, but as we begin February, I'm aware of how I've already neglected some of my New Year's hopes and intentions. As a favorite seminary professor used to say, We are often more clear on how we want to live, then on what keeps us from living into those hopes and ideals.

Thankfully, the season of Lent offers us another fresh start, and the opportunity to explore that very dilemma. We examine how we actually spend our days, and what pulls us away from our heart and soul's true Home and longing. The three traditional spiritual disciplines of Lent - fasting, prayer, and giving, offer us important correctives.

As a spiritual director who sits and listens with a variety of people, whether one-to-one, in small groups, or during retreats, I regularly hear people express the desire to pray in meaningful ways. They want to move beyond transactional prayer to transformational prayer, not just saying prayers, but living prayerfully. Yet it can be difficult to know where to start or how to sustain a regular prayer practice, especially amidst all the noise and distraction of our contemporary lives. Committing to a daily practice indefinitely can seem daunting; but the forty days of Lent offer us a golden opportunity to learn and try on prayer practices, and hopefully develop a spiritual diet that is nourishing, that we want to continue beyond Easter.

So if you're looking for a spiritual reset, a creative way to observe the season of Lent in community with other seekers, I invite you to check out Lenten Whole40. You can read more details below. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to sign up.